Friday, June 19, 2009

A walk around the yard after the rain.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Back to branding

I think I take too many pictures. I really need to get a hobby to occupy my time. This weekend we were back to the farm. But first a couple of pictures from the first time aroung.

Roping from the quad. The way it's done in the west.

An Aussie roping cattle?

And a few candid shots of the stars of the weekend, for without them we wouldn't have a branding weekend. This little guy decided to hold the fence down in case anyone needed to escape.

Moom, where are you!!!

Mother and child, posing for the camera

Lunch time.

The men brought in the cattle and made sure everyone was accounted for.

Bringing the cattle in, slow and easy

Cousin! Cousin!


The Men's Club in the corral.

2 needed to hold 1?

And finally, those who count together, stay together

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Chasing Bees & Butterflies

I have spent the last 2 nights chasing bees and butterflies around the trees. Not easy little things to photograph and they don't stay still long.

Hummingbird Moth

Canadian Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly

Canadian Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly

Sunday, June 7, 2009

I love my new Beercan lens.

Last week I made my first purchase on Ebay. Oh, yes I am no longer an Ebay virgin. The lens I bought was made in 1985 and is now my favorite lens. I've been testing it out this week on everything that moves and doesn't.

Pictures from the New Serepta Ag Days Parade

Cohen joined us at New Serepta. My first people portraits.

Todays Fight Club with the Beercan lens.


Hiding In Plain Sight

Shiny Object


Highly Flexible (Is it the hose or the man?)