This was a good week for me and my camera. I attended my first class at Metro College (old Bonnie Doon High School) on Thursday and it was good. No friends, no back ups, just me. Forgot to take a notepad but got past it. My daughter told me before I left for "school" not to let anyone look up my dress and not to let anyone dunk my head in the toilet. Not one of these things did I let happen so the night was a success. But seriously, one of the goals after the class was to take the camera off automatic. I haven't taken one picture in Automatic since. I am now using "P" which is basically the same as Automatic, but doesn't sound so bad.
Took some pictures of Rick's Golf Cart in different exposures and put them together using Photomatix, did a little photoshopping and I like how it turned out.

Today's FightClub went very well for me. I shot all the pictures using one lens and did not use Automatic. I'm happy with 4 out of 5.
Congratulations on not shooting in A (even though yes, P is almost the same thing only sounds better. ~smirk~) I'm personally an Av girl - it's ALWAYS about the DOF. Who are you taking a class from at Metro? And how many weeks is the class? I can spit on Metro from my back yard... if you ever forget a notepad again I can run one across the street for you lol